August 2010 new art-o-mat boxes
Well, it's time to start a new batch of art-o-mats. This time around I purchased the brown ready-made boxes and I made stamps, so that with each box a new blue box falls from the white grid and the black filled in square on the white grid tells you what number box you have. The lenticulars are miniatures of my larger lenticulars, 60lpi, and are almost all 3-D. They are mounted on thick black foam core with a little hook on the back for hanging. More pics will follow as I get them finished. Let me know when if get one.
That is--let me know IF you get one(been a long day.)
Hi Heather. Just thought I'd let you know that we got one of your lenticulars from an Art-O-Mat in Las Vegas! We were visiting from the UK, so now one of your pieces is on display in our living room!
Such gorgeous work! Thank you!!
Sorry - that Anon comment was from me! I didn't realise it would log me into my unused Blogger account!
Thanks again!
Thank you Melissa. It always makes me feel good to know where one of them has landed--in good hands, in this case.
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