I received another art-o-mat green card, so I am finally posting the last batch of boxes I had sent them (completed last August.) See in the following entries. Comments are welcome!
I believe both of these boxes contain the lenticular pictured below. This lenticular flips and the gardenia was from my mother's garden. The boxes have some collage work--painted gold on the raisin box, for example.
I like this one. I did very little with the surface because the vinyl box covering was nice and the 3D lenticular just suits the Quaker.
Some fish fillet with filigree. A lenticular is inside.
Some corn flakes. Let me know if you got one.
These are continuing the recycled cereal, etc. boxes theme. Some gold leaves and various collage pieces added on the surface.
This and a number of boxes to follow are from my second batch for art-o-mat. I'll post the rest soon. Leave a comment if this is the box you purchased.
If your box and lenticular looks like this, leave a comment.
Is this the box you purchased? Leave a comment.
If this is now yours, leave a comment.
If you have purchased this box, leave a comment.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Another view of the box described below.
Here is the first of the second round of art-o-mat boxes to be shipped out.
These boxes are made from recycled larger boxes and I am doing a bit of collage/painting to the surface.
The lenticulars are in a small metal frame now and they can be hung in any manner (even upside down and something hung off of it, if you like.)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My second art-o-mat green card(s) came in.
Looks like my inventory is out so I better
get cracking!
I am continuing with the lenticulars but the boxes are going to be a bit different now--going to collage some together.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I am sending these three boxes (different views so you can see how they flip) out to Berkeley Parks tomorrow. We will also be exchanging a piece of art.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
These two boxes contain lenticulars about the traffic in L.A. #38 was purchased by Berkeley Parks. There were two of these boxes (one on left.) The background of the box was from a photograph taken while in traffic and in the rain near my home. I had originally used that photo to try to make a lenticular showing traffic through rain on my car windshield. Then came # 40 (image to the right) The background here is of the L.A. Marathon the day I was stuck in traffic and couldn't get back home because all the streets leading to my home were blocked. The lenticulars flip between several signs so that the directives become intentionally ambiguous.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Here's where one of my miniature phosphenes ended up.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I received my first green card from Art*o*mat,
so I guess that means I am a citizen--heh heh.
If any of you collectors out there in Oregon, Tenn., N. Carolina, etc. have a story or comment on the piece you purchased, add it here.
The last ten boxes are done and sent off to art-o-mat. If you have purchased any box, let me know in the comments and I will tell you more about your piece.